Beyond everything
Hinter allem steckt immer mehr oder weniger... mehr.
"Bethesda has been boasting all along that the new Elder Scrolls world is huge, roughly 16 square miles in real distances."
"This game aims to let the player feel not only immersed in the game world, but also tied to it in an integral way. Your actions will determine future events, and have lasting impacts."
Muslime an die Front! Vielleicht nur lustig, wenn man die Nachrichten der letzten Zeit verfolgt hat, aber defintiv sehenswert!
Posted by: Don at 2006年02月13日 20:36Kumpel, hol mich hier raus! Aber flott, denn ich bin Hooked on a Feeling!
Posted by: Don at 2006年01月29日 17:28and this one as well...
Final Fantasy is the BEST game in the World!!!0r
Posted by: Don at 2006年01月15日 22:24Please check this out:
the truth is out there.
Posted by: mck at 2006年01月15日 14:42